Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time for a little reaming, bend over Cameron and your banker and press friends...
This government is despicable at best.
While unemployment rises, they have the nerve to blame their very victims for the state of the country.
Meanwhile, the newspaper owners get to decide the very law that governs the garbage they push.
The government's policies are based entirely on their ethos of blame the poor for the economy and a spreadsheet that was so full of bugs and inaccuracies they had to pick and choose which bits they made public.
And so, the press (in exchange for the neutering of Leverson) become the puppets of the government, faithfully parroting every lie about the poor being the ones to blame for this countries woes instead of holding the true culprits, the government, hand in hand with the big banks, to account.
There is no happy ending here, just tissue after tissue of lies.

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