Sunday, October 08, 2017

Hate... hate?

I was recently taken to task for saying that people like myself shouldn't hate extremists as hate itself is bad.
So, if we aren't allowed to hate those who would do us harm, what are we allowed?
Can we disagree with them? Because we have been doing that quite loudly and so far it's not worked.
There are Nazis openly marching in America and in the UK, the right wing of the Conservative party has the government in a death grip they seem unable, or maybe unwilling to break out of.

Meanwhile we have actual hate "preachers" such as Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins trying to use anything that looks even slightly like terrorism to spread their vile lies.

So, when, if ever is it OK to hate these extremists? When they are marching on the streets with guns and torches? When they are using cars or bombs to maim and kill those they disagree with? When they run  entire countries and use lies to whip up their supporters into a frenzy? When they use mass surveillance to pinpoint those who would speak up or take a stand against them?

Or can we hate them when they use the state apparatus and social media against us and herd us into camps to concentrate us? It hasn't happened in the west yet, but it's not very long since it last did and history has a nasty way of repeating when we forget it's lessons or try to pretend that loving your enemy has any useful effect.

Thus far, all not hating and standing against extremism has done is to give carte blanche to them to go on and build power in the very countries that stood and fought against everything they represent.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

The Trumpocalypse

Well, here we are, more than three quarters of a year into the utter shitshow that is #donaldtrump's presidency and what can we say.
He has exceeded in every way possible our worst predictions and done so with a form of manic intensity that horrifies sane onlookers.
Those who thought he might "settle down" once he became president were proven wrong almost immediately and those members of the press that search in vain for any sign of gravitas from him must surely give up any hope.
He will continue to react in the worst knee-jerk manner to anyone who attacks him and he may even turn against the Republican party if they decide not to back him on the Iran nuclear situation.
I have to admit that at this point, I would love to see the bunfight that would break out were that to happen.
And then there's the Korea problem. I't pretty clear that they have read Trump like a book (probably one of those ones for toddlers with the woven pages) and are playing him like a badly made, gold plated fiddle.
I only hope the finale doesn't come with bright flashes, this won't be any 1812 overture.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The price (continued)

I gave up trying to make ends meet in rented accommodation, it just wasn't possible. My total out goings (rent/food) was greater than my total incoming by nearly £200/month. Once all my savings were used up, I gave the landlord a months notice and had to move back with my family.
I can only imagine what would have happened if I had no family I could have done this with :(
I was lucky, many are now homeless as a direct result of UK tory party policies. Many are dead as a result.
Many people are now in working poverty, barely earning enough to live on while working several jobs.
We need to bring down this government (general election ASAP!) for the good of the UK.