Thursday, August 20, 2015

Another wizard wheeze!

I have just been informed of the boys from Eton's latest wizard wheeze.
Now, if you go to sign on, once you are finished with the signing, you will be directed to a job coach and you will be expected to leave the dole offices with an actual job!
Of course, it won't actually matter if you are suited to the job or even fit enough to do it, as long as the unemployment figures look good the evil shits in this govt couldn't give a fuck.
This week, my signing officer mentioned to me that other dole offices that have started using this scheme have had a huge increase in "rapid reclaims", people who have been put into unsuitable jobs and have very quickly found themselves back signing on.
Any pretense at humanity has gone from our government, they only give a shit if you are fabulously rich or own a newspaper that is aligned with their evil.
Viva la revoluciĆ³n!