Wednesday, January 23, 2008

UK ID cards possibly put back two years.

The BBC are reporting that National ID cards could well be put back two years.
While this may seem like the government are finally listening to the public and taking our criticism in, I have another take on this.
Should they decide to out them back by two years as reported, I am sure that the only reason they are doing this is to give the UK public time to forget their appalling record on data security (see the "Nothing to fear?" article below). I am sure that by 2012, most people will have forgotten how useless the British government are at not loosing vital information.
Perhaps I am being cynical, but until I hear that they have given up on this pointless waste of taxpayers money, I won't rest easy.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


My fears about our data based society have hit home hard as at the end of 2007, someone was able to duplicate my debit card, and use it to buy goods totalling nearly £700 ($1400). I have determined to be even more careful about where and how I use my debit card from now on, but really it is just too easy to copy this kind of information.
With the encryption that will be used in the UK I.D. cards already cracked, how can the government even think of introducing a technology that will make I.D. theft even easier?!